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Runners enjoying running

If Running Sucks, You’re Doing It Wrong

Running sucks? That’s because you’re doing it wrong.

With these five tips you can find new energy to your running – and boost your performance to a whole new level.

1. Add versatility to your running Training


Most intermediate runners run too hard and their running plan is too one-sided. This is a surefire way to make running feel boring and repetitive.

By adding different intensity levels to your training, your running can become a pleasure instead of a pain.

Most of your training should be very light and many people would benefit from adding jogging at a walking pace to their training program. Your training program should also include a variety of tougher exercises to counterbalance the light jogging: intervals, running uphill, speed endurance exercises, shifting the pace…

Days of hard training (heart rate above the aerobic threshold) should feel like a special occasion and for most, a day like this once a week is enough. If you find out your maximum heart rate, resting heart rate and your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, controlling your pace with a heart rate monitor becomes much easier. A running watch will also help you to keep track of your development.

If you don’t know how to vary your running training, join a local running group, seek help from a coach or find a suitable training program.

2. Set goals to keep your mind focused

For many, running becomes bland without any set goals. Often, the set goal is a certain running event, but it can also be something else – like improving your running technique.

Set goals for one month, six months, a year, and for three years’ time. When setting up running goals, think about both short-term and long-term goals. You might want to set goals for one month, six months, a year, and for three years’ time, for example.

When you do this, you won’t lose interest and you’ll stay focused when you achieve goals regularly. Future goals will also help you through difficulties and failures, because there will always be something to strive toward.

3. These [_____] are made for running

Running is a simple and easy hobby, but with the right kind of equipment and gear you’ll get even more out of it. Investing in high-quality shoes, clothes, and gear is worth the money and it’ll take your running comfort to the next level.


Get different shoes for different purposes. Lightweight shoes for speed training, heavier ones for training basic endurance. Technical clothing materials keep your body cool or warm when necessary, and above all, they look and feel good.

Seeing your progress with a heart rate monitor will motivate you to go forward, because you can observe your development through several variables – it also functions as an excellent pace and heart rate controller and it’ll teach you a lot about your body.

4. Don’t get stuck in the same training places or surfaces

Alternate between different training places and surfaces, take your running shoes with you when you travel and get to know new places by running. Train on asphalt, dirt roads, trails, and go to a sports field for intervals or for example hurdle drills.

Don’t get too fixed on just one running distance. When traveling, run the tourist tours, and find out where the best running places are in your neighborhood. As a runner you can easily go to many places where you can’t go by car or even by bike.

Strive for versatility also with running events. Boost your marathon training for instance by attending trail or track runs. Don’t get too fixed on just one running distance.

5. if running sucks, Run with friends

Running in a group or with a friend is always more pleasant than just running by yourself. Light jogs go easily in good company, and when you’re training harder, other runners can cheer you on and help you excel yourself. And in those moments when you just don’t fancy a run, it’s much easier to overcome the feeling when there’s a friend to train with.


Sharing your feelings about training and following others in social media will also give you the much-needed support when motivation is running low. Through social media, you can also easily find peer support even if you don’t have anyone to train with nearby.

Do you know someone who thinks that running sucks? Hit that share button and let them know that it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Please note that the information provided in the Polar Blog articles cannot replace individual advice from health professionals. Please consult your physician before starting a new fitness program.

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