Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner, enthusiastic trail runner, or a beginner starting to train for your first 5K, these running tips, tricks and tools will help you get ready, set… run (and cross the finish line)!
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Even professional athletes experience waning running motivation. Read how pro runner Molly Huddle gets through periods of low motivation – and how she brings it back.
It can be tempting to run the same loop of your neighborhood every day. So, here are a few ways to switch up your routine and find a new running route.
Negative splitting is one way to finish your next race strong – and fast. Here are 3 workouts to train you to run negative splits.
Here’s the “what and why” of some of the most common running injuries with how to recover from and prevent these five running injuries.
When running is your job, recovery is all in a day’s work. Here’s how U.S. Olympian Molly Huddle recovers after running.
What is an ultramarathon and is it something you should consider training for? Let’s break down everything you need to know before clicking that oh-so-tempting ultra race registration button.
Easy run didn’t feel so easy? This might be why.
Can your breathing impact your running? Can it improve performance? And if so, what techniques should you employ?
Treadmill or dreadmill? If you think treadmill workouts are boring, try upping your treadmill workout game with these 9 workout ideas.
Shaun Moore completed a challenge to run 5 ultra marathons in 5 months. But why?
The final piece of your training puzzle is deciding what to wear on race day. Read this advice from six athletes on planning your race day outfit.
Not sure what different running workouts really entail? Aren’t they all the same? We asked a running coach to explain fartleks, intervals and tempo runs.
Training for an IRONMAN or marathon is a serious time commitment that requires planning, communication and compromises. Here are eight tips to help you navigate the sensitive balance between endurance training and life’s responsibilities.
If there’s one thing Finland – Polar’s country of origin – is good at, it’s surviving the harsh winter conditions. Here are some tried and true winter running tips from the promised land of winter.
There’s more to building a strong core than doing crunches. Try these 4 effective core exercises for runners that work your entire body.
If running sucks, try these five tips to find new energy to your running and boost your performance to a whole new level.
Nutrition plays a huge role in how your body recovers after maximal effort, such as a race. Learn more about what you should eat after the race.
Mental toughness is a big part of running. Increase your mental toughness with these five tips and be prepared come race day.
Canadian Calum Neff is an avid and winning endurance athlete. He balances training and family by making running a family affair. Read Calum’s tips for running with a stroller.
Running hills a great way to build strength and speed. Read more about how hill running will help you run better and faster and try these quick tips.