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At-Home Workout For Couples – Work Out Together

If you only have little quality time to spend with your partner, why not use it effectively and try this workout for couples put together by personal trainer Mikko Niiranen.

Try it, love it (and each other) and share the love!


  • Perform the exercises as a circuit
  • Remember to warm-up first
  • Do each move for 20–30 seconds
  • Rest for 1 minute between sets
  • Do each move with proper form


Warm-up X 2

Watch the video and see how to do these three moves:

1. Ninja: 20–30 s

2. Handshake Wrestling: 20–30 s

3. Knee Tag: 20–30 s

Set #1: “Sweat together, stay together”
X 3

Watch the video and see how to do these three moves:

1. The Human Wheelbarrow: 20–30 s each

2. Clap’n’Push-Up: 20–30 s

3. Duo Squat: 20–30 s

Set #2: “Lean on me”
X 3

Watch the video and see how to do these three moves:

1. Over/Under: 20–30 s

2. The Dip: 20–30 s each

3. Plank & Push-Up: 20–30 s

Set #3: “I plank you. I plank you too.”
X 3

Watch the video and see how to do these three moves:

1. Planking Wrestling: 20–30 s

2. Leg Throws: 20–30 s each

3. High-Five Sit-Ups: 20–30 s each

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Please note that the information provided in the Polar Blog articles cannot replace individual advice from health professionals. Please consult your physician before starting a new fitness program.

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