Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titanは、厳しい環境下での使用にも耐え得る頑強なアウトドアスポーツウォッチ。チタンケースに収められたサファイアガラスの有機ELディスプレイ、そしてナビゲーションとパフォーマンス機能の高機能ツールを搭載したこのウォッチは、更なる先を探索する冒険者のために作られています。

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Proは厳しい環境下での使用にも耐え得る頑強なアウトドアスポーツウォッチ。サファイアガラスの有機ELディスプレイ、そしてナビゲーションとパフォーマンス機能の高機能ツールを搭載したこのウォッチは、更なる先を探索する冒険者のために作られたアイテムです。

Polar Vantage V3

バイオセンシングテクノロジー、有機ELディスプレイ、デュアルバンドGPS、地図、そして一連のトレーニングとリカバリーツールを詰め込みました。さあ、準備は整いました。Polar Vantage V3スポーツスマートウォッチが、最高のパフォーマンスをお届けします。

Polar Ignite 3


Polar Pacer Pro

軽量性を追求した次世代の気圧式高度計搭載スポーツ・ランニングウォッチ、Polar Pacer Pro。アスリートの効率的な走り、トレーニングセッション、スポーツのパフォーマンス向上をサポートする、最新トレーニング機能を備えています。

Polar Pacer

日々の運動から生活までサポートしてくれるPolar Pacer。 ランニングはもちろんウォーキングや室内運動、またスイミングの計測にも対応しています。睡眠・自律神経計測/分析も細かく行ってくれるので、心身の健康維持もにおすすめです。

Polar Vantage V2

洗練されたデザイン、革新的なテクノロジー、スマート機能も搭載したトレーニング&リカバリー機能が強力に融合したPolar Vantage V2は、かつてない性能でパワーアップしたスポーツウォッチです。

Polar Grit X Pro


Polar Vantage M2

機能重視のデザインで、Polar Vantage M2はトレーニングに全力で取り組むユーザーに負けないハードな働きぶりを見せつけます。業界をリードする高度なテクノロジーで、目標達成への道のりをしっかりサポート。アスリートのための

Polar Ignite 2

シンプルでスマートな機能を備えた、スタイリッシュなスポーツウォッチをお探しの方へ。Polar Ignite 2は、そんな願いをすべてかなえます。多目的に使え、多彩な機能を搭載。あらゆるスポーツやライフスタイルにピッタリのアイテムです。

Polar Ignite

Polar Igniteは、手首での高度な心拍計測機能を備えた、GPS内蔵の防水スポーツ・ヘルスケアウォッチ。一日の活動を把握し、よりバランスのとれたライフスタイルへと導きます。

Polar Unite


Polar Vantage V

トレーニングをもっと効率的に行い、レベルアップを目指しましょう。Polar Vantage V は、プロアスリートやプロのようにトレーニングに臨むアスリートのために設計されたプレミアム マルチスポーツウォッチです。防水加工を施した、バッテリー寿命も長持ちしトライアスロンやマラソンのトレーニングにも適した、ハイエンド仕様のツールをお探しなら、Polar Vantage V がすべての条件をクリアする、あなたの理想的なトレーニングコンパニオンとなることでしょう。

Polar Vantage M

ランニング&マルチスポーツに最適なGPS搭載のウォッチが、新記録達成の夢に燃えるユーザーをサポートします。スリムで軽量なPolar Vantage Mは、トレーニングに最適。パフォーマンス向上に必要なすべてのデータを提供します。 販売終了

Polar Grit X

軽量かつ耐久性に優れたアウトドア スポーツウォッチ。ウルトラロングバッテリーとミルスペックの耐久性が、ロードよりもトレイルを好むユーザーに最適です。

Polar M430

手首での心拍計測、高度なランニング機能、Polar ランニングプログラムを備えた Polar M430 は、より高いレベルを求めるランナーのための、高品質GPS ランニングウォッチです。

Polar Verity Sense

自由な動きを妨げないデバイスをお探しなら、Polar Verity Sense がオススメです。どんなスポーツ種目でも快適にお使いいただけます。

Polar H10 N


Polar OH1+

万能、快適、シンプル。Polar OH1は、そんな特長を兼ね備えた光学式心拍数モニターです。単独でスタンドアロンデバイスとして使うこともでき、さらにBluetooth®とANT+接続により様々なフィットネスアプリ、スポーツウォッチ、スマートウォッチとペアリングして使うことも可能です。




Polar センサーチェストストラップやアームバンドを交換またはアップグレードします。









Polar Grit X アウトドアシリーズ

予測できない大自然の中で挑戦したい気持ちを充実の機能でサポートする、アウトドアスポーツウォッチ Grit X。

Polar Vantage パフォーマンスシリーズ


Polar Pacer マルチスポーツシリーズ


Polar Ignite フィットネス & ウェルネスシリーズ

シンプルかつスタイリッシュ 、そしてスマートな機能性も兼ね備えたデザイン。 Igniteウォッチは、様々なフィットネスやライフスタイルに最適なツールです。

カタログ 使い方ガイド


Want to change the world of fitness, sports, and health?

Join the pioneers.

Every body has a story to tell - our technology enables people to listen to theirs and understand the story it’s trying to tell.

At Polar, we are proud to be able to say that we genuinely help people all over the world improve their fitness, performance, and health. We are a global company with big ambitions and an exciting future, so we need the right talent in the right roles doing the right things.

A company with a purpose, huge aspirations, rewarding and exciting work, plus a strong team spirit: it’s an environment where the right person can thrive, develop a unique set of skills, grow as a professional, and as a person.

If this interests you, browse our careers page to find a suitable position.

Open roles

Senior Researcher, Algorithms and Data Science team+

We are looking for a Senior Researcher, Algorithms to join Polar Research Center.

Polar Research Center acts as an innovation accelerator for Polar product and service development programs. Polar Research Center comprises a multidisciplinary team ranging expertise from physiology and health sciences to sensor technology, algorithms, and data science. The center carries out innovative studies in the field of wearable sport and health technologies and is actively involved in research collaboration globally.

As a Senior Researcher you have an opportunity to be part of a team that provides sophisticated sports- and wellness-related solutions and technology to Polar customers all over the world. You will be working in close collaboration with other scientists and researchers of the Polar Research Center as well as with other experts throughout the Polar organization.

Your duties will include:

  • Development of algorithms for sports and wellness analysis which employ multiple data sources such as sensor data from biosensors and inertial sensors, cloud-based data and metadata
  • Investigate and innovate new product and application possibilities based on algorithms
  • Act as an expert for algorithms and support other researchers and organizations in Polar in this field
  • Participate to the development of new Polar Smart Coaching applications and other product features to Polar products
  • Participate as a researcher to research projects within company and with external partners in own expertise area

We expect you to have:

  • Master's / Ph.D. degree in relevant field, such as physics, mathematics, statistics, engineering, health sciences, etc.
  • Programming skills in Python
  • Experience in development of algorithms and computational methods
  • Experience in bio-, health and sport sciences and wearable sensors and technologies is considered as a benefit
  • Passion for research and development of wellness and sport applications and devices
  • Collegial attitude and communication skills in English

The position is located at Kempele, Finland.

For further information please contact Mr. Markku Karjalainen, markku.karjalainen(at)polar.com. Please send your application via https://tinyurl.com/37wf8cw4 by August 16th, 2024 at the latest.

Please note that we will fill the position once a suitable candidate has been found.  

Application period starts: 25.06.2024 17:30 - Application period ends: 16.08.2024 23:59
Director, Research+

We are looking for a Research Director to lead Polar Research Center

Research Director is leading Polar Research Center in a company which is focused on developing algorithms and applications for health, sports, and wellbeing utilizing wearable technology. Your role is pivotal in driving innovation and scientific advancement to help customers achieve their health and fitness objectives. With at least 7 years of experience, you will lead a dedicated team of researchers and specialists and collaborate closely with Product Development, Marketing and Business.  

Key Responsibilities:  

  • Strategic Research Leadership: Define and execute the research roadmap aligned with the company's vision and objectives. Drive innovation by identifying emerging trends, technologies, and research opportunities in health, sports, and wellbeing domains. Secures and grows the leading role of Polar Research Center in the wearable technology space.  

  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Collaborate closely with engineering, data science and product teams to translate research findings into scalable and commercially viable solutions. Ensure alignment between research efforts and business initiatives.  

  • Partnership Development: Cultivate strategic partnerships with academic institutions, research organizations, and industry stakeholders to facilitate collaborative research projects and access to cutting-edge resources.  

  • Research Methodologies: Has deep understanding of various research methodologies, including experimental design, qualitative and quantitative analysis, clinical trials and external validations. Stay abreast of advancements in relevant scientific disciplines and maintain high standards of research integrity.  

  • Algorithm Development: Oversee the design, development, and validation of algorithms leveraging wearable technology data. This includes algorithms for activity, physiological monitoring, sleep, stress, nutrition, sport performance and recovery.  

  • Grant Writing and Funding: Experience in securing research funding through grant proposals and managing budgets. 

  • Budget Responsibility: Management of resources and costs in line with priorities set. 

Optional responsibilities: 

  • Team Management: Lead and mentor a multidisciplinary team of researchers, fostering a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous learning. Provide guidance on research methodologies, experimental design, and data analysis techniques. 

  • Innovation and Intellectual Property Management: Lead the creation, protection, and management of patents and intellectual property resulting from research efforts. Collaborate with legal and regulatory teams to ensure compliance with patent laws and regulations. Identify opportunities for technology licensing and strategic partnerships to maximize the value of intellectual property assets.


  • Advanced degree (e.g. Ph.D.) in Exercise Science and Technology, Physiology, Nutrition, Biomedical Engineering, Public Health or a related field.  

  • Proven track record of leading research initiatives in health, sports, or wellbeing domains, preferably in the context of wearable technology.  

  • Expertise in algorithm development, AI, data processing, and statistical analysis.  

  • Experience managing multidisciplinary research teams and driving cross-functional collaboration. 

  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to articulate complex technical concepts to diverse audiences.  

  • Demonstrated thought leadership through publications, patents, or presentations at scientific forums.  

What we offer:  

  • Impactful work that directly contributes to improving the lives of individuals worldwide.  

  • Opportunity to work at the forefront of technology and sports/ health innovation.  

  • Access to cutting-edge resources and opportunities for continued learning and development.  

  • Collaborative and dynamic work environment were science and business work closely together. 

  • Competitive employee benefits.

Preferred location is Polar Headquarters at Kempele, other Polar locations in Finland are negotiable (Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tampere).

For further information please contact Mr. Ismo Savikoski, ismo.savikoski(at)polar.com.

 If you think you have what it takes and are ready to seize this opportunity, let us know and send your application with salary request and CV no later than August 9th, 2024 via https://tinyurl.com/4wvhsv8j.

Application period starts: 25.06.2024 17:30 - Application period ends: 14.08.2024 23:59
Avoin hakemus Support Services+

An Open application to Support Services (IT, HR, Data, Processes & Quality)

Application period starts: 02.01.2023 00:01
Avoin hakemus Production+

An Open application to Production & Logistics

Application period starts: 02.01.2023 00:01
Avoin hakemus Global Marketing+

An Open application to Global Marketing

Application period starts: 02.01.2023 00:01
Avoin hakemus Customer Offering and Care+

An Open application to Global Customer Care

Application period starts: 02.01.2023 00:01
Avoin hakemus R&D+

An Open application to R&D

Application period starts: 02.01.2023 00:01



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